Outdoor Volleyball Leagues
Gainesville Volleyball specializes in outdoor volleyball. Currently, all leagues take place on the sand. Currently, we offer a social league! For those seeking higher competition levels, visit our tournaments page.​
Sand Volleyball Coed 4’s Social League
Let's Have Some Fun!
Want to get outdoors, stay active, and socialize in the local community? Gainesville Volleyball (GNVV) offers a sand volleyball coed 4’s social league that is the perfect way to do exactly that!
Highlights of GNVV’s sand volleyball social league include:
Professional quality equipment
Referee/scorekeeper for your match
Reserved court access
Meet new people
Hang out, watch other matches, & enjoy being outside!
Players of all abilities are welcome to join this sports league! The only thing you need to bring is a positive attitude - we’ll take care of the rest! Sign up as a full team or as an individual so we can find a team for you.

League Format
We have the capacity for up to 16 total teams for this session of our volleyball league.
Each team must meet the following requirements:
Roster must contain at least 2 males & at least 2 females
Minimum 5 players on team roster, maximum 8 players on team roster
Each team will play one match per week (3 sets). Teams can expect the following:
Guaranteed to play 3 sets for your match - 2 sets to 21 and 1 set to 15 regardless of the outcome of your first 2 sets
Match start times are at either 6:30pm, 7:20pm, 8:10pm, or 9:00pm each week
Entire league schedule will be released prior to the first night of the league
League play consists of 6 scheduled regular-season matches
TOP 8 TEAMS will qualify for a single-elimination playoff for the final night of the league. The winning team will receive a prize! Should the league not hit maximum capacity, GNVV reserves the right to determine how many teams qualify for playoffs
The league will take place at Jimmy Durden Park located at 26333 SW 4th Ave in Newberry, FL.
Sand Volleyball Coed 4’s Social League Dates
Matches will take place each Wednesday. Top 8 Teams will qualify for playoffs on the final night of the league session based on the final league standings.
Full league schedule including match times will be published by Monday before the league start date. Note that your team’s match time will vary each week as indicated on the league schedule. Be sure to clear your calendar on Wednesday nights for sand volleyball before you register! Season dates & schedule are displayed on the tournament registration page.
Sand Volleyball Coed 4’s Social League Registration
This section includes essential information to complete your registration. The registration deadline is Wednesday, October 23 at 11:59 pm *OR* as soon as we hit capacity.
Registration is completed on an external site hosted by VolleyballLife.com.
League Cost
The Gainesville Volleyball registration fee is:
$40 per player
$200 for a complete, 5-person team. Additional players can be added to your roster at $40/player with a max. of 8 players per team.
All players MUST have an ACTIVE AVP annual membership to register for the league for insurance and liability purposes. AVP membership options:
Bronze ($15) or
Silver ($25). (Note that a Silver membership is mandatory to play in other AVP America events such as official beach and grass tournaments, including those hosted by Gainesville Volleyball.)
AVP registration must be completed on an external site. Register for an AVP membership or look up your current AVP number online.

Sand Volleyball Coed 4’s Social League Rules
Take a look at our coed 4’s social league rules before you hit the sand! You will have a referee supervising your match each week, but the social league has some significant differences from standard AVP beach rules, indoor rules, and tournament rules.
These rules are designed to ensure players of all levels are comfortable and safe. Our rules also cover important aspects related to team expectations to make sure our matches start on time and are fair for all!
We all know Florida weather can be unpredictable - we will make every effort to play through moderate rain but will cancel for severe lightning or unplayable court conditions at the discretion of the league directors. If we have to cancel a league night due to weather, a makeup match is not guaranteed.
Can’t Join Our Sand Volleyball Social League This Season?
Don’t worry. We offer 4 league sessions per year. Make sure you are on our contact list so we can notify you when the next league opens! You can also follow along on Instagram and Facebook for league highlights, photos, and other news.
Sand Volleyball Coed 2’s Competitive League
Let's Get Competitive!
We are currently revamping & reevaluating our doubles leagues for the future and will not be offering this league format until further notice.
Gainesville Volleyball (GNVV) offers a competitive sand volleyball coed 2's league for players looking for higher-level play on a weekly basis.
Highlights of GNVV’s sand volleyball competitive league include:
Professional quality equipment
Reserved court access
High-level weekly competition
Playoff format during the last week of the league for qualifying team - winners earn a prize!
A complete team is required to register.
League Format
We have the capacity for up to 12 total teams for this Fall 2022 session of our volleyball league.
Each team must meet the following requirements:
2-player coed roster
Each team will play one match per week (3 sets). Teams can expect the following:
Guaranteed to play 3 sets for your match - 3 sets to 21 regardless of the outcome of the first 2 sets
Match start times are at either 6:30pm, 7:20pm, 8:10pm, or 9:00pm each week
Entire league schedule will be released prior to the first night of the league
League play consists of 6 scheduled regular-season matches
TOP 8 TEAMS will qualify for a single-elimination playoff for the final night of the league. The winning team will receive a prize! Should the league not hit maximum capacity, GNVV reserves the right to determine how many teams qualify for playoffs
The league will take place at Jimmy Durden Park located at 26333 SW 4th Ave in Newberry, FL.
Sand Volleyball Coed 2’s Social League Dates
Matches will take place each Tuesday beginning on September 13th. Teams will qualify for playoffs on the final night of the league session, October 25th, based on the final league standings.
The full league schedule including match times will be published on Sunday, September 11th. Note that your team’s match time will vary each week as indicated on the league schedule. Be sure to clear your calendar on Tuesday nights for sand volleyball before you register!
Sand Volleyball Coed 2’s Social League Registration
This section includes essential information to complete your registration. The registration deadline is Friday, September 9th at 11:59 pm.
Registration is completed on an external site hosted by VolleyballLife.com. Access registration: Sand Volleyball Coed 2’s Competitive League - Tuesdays, Fall '22 registration.
League Cost
The Gainesville Volleyball registration fee is:
$50 per player
All players MUST have an ACTIVE AVP annual membership to register for the league for insurance and liability purposes. AVP membership options:
Bronze ($15) or
Silver ($25). (Note that a Silver membership is mandatory to play in other AVP America events such as official beach and grass tournaments, including those hosted by Gainesville Volleyball.)
AVP registration must be completed on an external site. Register for an AVP membership or look up your current AVP number online.
Sand Volleyball Coed 2’s Social League Rules
Review the rules before you hit the sand! Competitive leagues follow standard AVP beach rules. Coed 2's teams are expected to self-ref while playing, including keeping and entering scores, noting faults, double calls, etc. GNVV staff will be available on-site for any rules clarifications you may have.
We acknowledge that it may not be possible for both players to be at every league match. We want all teams to have the chance to play! Therefore, we have established rules regarding substitutions during the league regular season matches only. Therefore, we have established rules regarding substitutions during the league.
If neither player can attend, you will be required to forfeit that week & communicate this to GNVV prior to 4 pm on league night!
You CAN use a substitute during regular-season games only
When using a substitute, there is a $5 payment penalty.
Substitutes must have AVP membership. Must submit the player name & AVP number to GNVV by 4 pm on game day
Your sub cannot be another member of the coed 2's league
Must pay Gainesville Volleyball via Venmo or cash
Subs will NOT be permitted during playoffs​
No Show Policy: 2 team "No Call No Shows" disqualifies your team from playoffs. Please let us know if you can't field a full team on a certain night!
We all know Florida weather can be unpredictable - we will make every effort to play through moderate rain but will cancel for severe lightning or unplayable court conditions at the discretion of the league directors. If we have to cancel a league night due to weather, a makeup match is not guaranteed.
Can’t Join Our Sand Volleyball Leagues This Season?
Don’t worry. We offer multiple league sessions per year. We also modify nights and formats each season depending on feedback from our players. Make sure you are on our contact list so we can notify you when the next league opens! You can also follow along on Instagram and Facebook for league highlights, photos, and other news.